How Long Must You Wait to Exercise After Cataract Laser Operation?
How Long Must You Wait to Exercise After Cataract Laser Operation?
#Best Eye hospital in Bhopal
Cataract (laser) operation is pretty ordinary nowadays. In fact, thanks to new-age technology, cataract surgery is considered to be one of the quickest and safest eye procedures.
However, unlike its procedure time, which is barely 15 minutes per eye, the recovery time that allows an individual to get back to the usual routine is comparatively longer. Especially hitting the gym right next day to the surgery can lead to some serious complications, which you might have to deal with, for the rest of your life.
Why is it considered inappropriate to resume exercise right after getting a Cataract surgery (motiyaabind operation)?
Cataract surgery has proved out to be one of the most successful ophthalmic procedures available. Although, it can also turn out to be conflicting, if not properly taken care of. Here are some of the reasons to avoid exercise post cataract procedure:
People generally expect to have a clear vision right after the surgery, which is certainly wrong. For the first few days, your vision may be little blurry thereby, increasing your chances of getting hurt by bumping into something. As a word of caution please understand that injuries occurred at this time will only raise the complications.
What are the Complications?
People tend to take warnings lightly unless they know or are aware of the complications. Here are a few complications that may arise due to your negligence of not adhering to your surgeon’s advice:
Retinal Detachment: It can be defined as a situation where a retina detaches itself from its original position. This can also lead to a permanent loss of eyesight, if not treated directly.
Corneal Swelling: Cornea is an outermost and a clear layer of your eye that resembles a smooth, dome-shaped glass. It blocks any kind of debris and dust from entering inside and keeps the eye healthy with the help of endothelium, the innermost layer of cells in the cornea. Although, the damage of endothelium results in swelling of the cornea which can even reason permanent blindness.
Ocular Hypertension: It basically refers to the complication in which an eye pressure, also known as intraocular pressure shoots up. Being measured in millimeters, normal eye pressure ranges from 10-21mm, and anything above that is considered as hypertension.
When is the Best Time to Get Back to Exercise?
The best thing about cataract surgery is the minimum discomfort that generally lasts for not more than a few days. Any normal person would want to get back to their normal routine and exercise.
Although, for the starters, it is essential to wait for at least a week from getting engaged in any kind of strenuous activity, whether it is weight lifting or exercising. Lifting anything heavy is strictly prohibited for it may further complicate your healing procedure.